Earth is undergoing a transformation. Its a transformation that's in our faces. It involves the weather, economy, politics, social, and spiritual.
Tidal And Weather Change
Its not hard to figure out how our weather is changing. Mega hurricanes, enormous tornadoes, and tsunami's have been in the news in the last few years. Many people have lost their lives. In the 70's we had it mild compared to how it is today. We didn't know if tsunami's were real back then let alone a F5 tornado or a Category 5 hurricane. We had never seen these. The weather is definitely changing.
Economic Change
If you were off planet Earth in 2008 and 2009, you might have missed the Recession. Some have tried to call it a depression. It has cause many around the world to loose their jobs, loose assets, and cause shutdown of companies. Some have reportedly committed suicide. With new global players and consumers the shift of wealth has been very painful for many. Perhaps some still hold to the illusion that things will come back the way they were. This is only a fantasy. Economies will build back up, but they won't resemble what they were. Its going to take time for economies to get in sync and grow steadily. There is economic change in the world.
Political Change
The Middle East countries are going through severe transformations with their multiple freedom revolts. Barack Obama became president of the United States. No small feat considering he was an unknown twelve months before the election. He's African American and that rubs many people wrong. Older conservatives don't like it, thus they started the Tea Party movement. They may argue the contrary but Obama is more of a moderate than Clinton was. The existence of his Presidency shows that politics in the US is indeed changing.
Social Change
Younger generations have started to come into the work force and adulthood. These grew up with computers and the internet. They not only understand the importance of having their voice heard, they expect it and demand it. They are also suffering with the lack of jobs. They have to make due with less. Much like the generation that was ready to work during the Great Depression. That was the Great Generation. They went through the Great Depression and World War II. They sacrificed a lot. They are also the parents of the Baby Boomers. Thus, the younger generations are suffering now. How they take over the world will be the subject of history books in the future and debate for many years to come. At their hand the societies of the Earth are changing and will continue to change. It will be fascinating to watch.
Spiritual Change
Many people today are of the mind that the Human Race is going through a spiritual transformation. They call it an awakening. Though its a spiritual awakening, its is not a religious awakening. In the 18th Century there was The Great Awakening. It was a Methodist revival and it was supposedly to offset the Age Of Enlightenment The Age Of Enlightenment is where we get modern science, thus it was a freeing on analytical thinking. The Great Awakening was a religious in name but it was also spiritual in nature because of the many miracles reported and the emphasis on the Holy Spirit and the like. The Awakening that is going on is purely spiritual. Meditation, grounding/centering, and emotions are the cornerstones of this one. Experiences with dreams, seeing the future, and communicating with the departed have been increasingly reported as well as other things. It doesn't seem to matter where your from, what you look like, or what religion you claim to be. Its an awakening of the human soul and spirit. Its no surprise that this is occurring when you consider that for the longest time the global society have been concentrating on science and engineering, both of which are purely analytical. I believe this is brought about by our very nature. We are both analytical and intuitive. If we major on one then later the other will impose itself on society. If we can strike a balance then perhaps the swings in this pendulum will decrease.
There we have it, transformation. The Earth is transforming but into what? Well, were all along for this ride and we will see the end result. Rest assure that the human race will continue and find a way to keep this planet afloat.
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