Sunday, July 14, 2024

Souls From a Shooting

Trigger Warning: This post talks about the aftermath of a violent incident. 

The sad reality of our time is that there are shootings. Recently there was one at a political event and a bystander and the shooter died. There were reportedly several injured and I'm sure they were attended to. But it's the dead I'm concerned about as you my readers are aware of.

I didn't get any names and I didn't draw any pictures this time. I feel like I'm just getting back into the swing of things after a long hiatus. 

The bystander was easy. I told them about the light in my usual way. I let them know that's where God is and family. They were accepting and appreciative. And I felt that familiar pink love energy emanating from them as they accepted the presence of the light. So that was a done deal.

The shooter, however, was another story. He had a lot of darkness, like a lot. I did what I usually did and told him about the light, and nothing from him. He was like a stubborn child, you know, the kind with their lower lip out. I noticed that he was sitting in darkness. I asked him if he wanted to be in that darkness. He said he deserved hell. I couldn't argue with that. After all, he did kill a bystander and attempted to kill someone else. I said to remember love and kindness. He said he felt betrayed. I'm going to disappoint you now because I didn't ask about the betrayal. My concern was to get this soul to the light if that was even possible. 

So, I did something I don't usually do. I used my intention just to get through to this guy. I told him once more to remember love and kindness and I pushed the message in him, actually all around us. And I I felt a glimmer of light take hold in him. He said he will consider it. Then I left him.

After a while, I came back to him. He was still in the same spot. This time, he would answer me. I asked him will he go to the light. He said where is the light? I was rather perplexed by this. He should have been seeing the light by now. I didn't sense any deception in him. I asked him, how he saw me. He said he saw me as the only light in the area. That concerned me. Was he going to try to jump into me? I could feel his intention as such so I had to do something fast. 

I told him the light is from God and it's where you can contact your family from. He seemed to respond to that. I then said that it's full of love, joy, peace. I kept repeating: love, joy, peace. He became mesmerized at my chant. And then something happened .

I felt other beings appear from behind me. They were light beings and weren't human but had what seemed like wings but were of light. There were 3 of them and they surrounded the shooter who didn't move. The shooter smiled weirdly. Then the beings did something strange. They bent over the shooter and then seemingly merged with one another so there were no gaps of darkness but only light. They enveloped the shooter completely. And they became a ball of light. And then the ball became smaller and smaller and disappeared. What happened, you may ask? Well as I try to connect with the shooter, I feet awe and love, so that means he made it to the source. 

Now, the Source will deal with any justice issues. I'm not condoning the acts of the shooter. I think shooting people is wrong. I just would like to help souls if I can, no matter who it is or what they have done.