Thursday, February 14, 2013

Primary Perception and Sensitives

Cleve Backster discovered Primary Perception with a lie detector, plants and other lifeforms.  This is a controversial theory.  When the scientific method is used as experiments, repeatability is a serious problem.  Any plant grower can tell you that plant respond to their environment.  Amount of sun light, types of soil, amount of water are factors in how plants respond.  Some plant are described as fickle, like the African Violet.  Perhaps that's why the University of Rhode Island recommends pasteurizing the soil for these house plants.  As an empath I can concur with Backster in that plant do have emotions and do communicate, but they do this in their own way.  I would like to share what I found out about them, what we know about them, and why I think the experiments are not adequate.

Common trees are the plants that I've felt.  Empaths feel emotion and are great listeners and communicators by nature.  We can just about relate to anyone.  Through my experiences, I find that the basis of thought is emotion.  That is contrary to popular belief.  Trees don't relate like we do.  Their timeline is much longer than ours.  They are not concerned about many things, but they do live in the present.  They are joyous with the sun, and they are quiet in the winter.  They are aware of themselves and trees around them.  When they are sick, they feel ill and don't want anyone to be around them.  Their emotion follows their looks.  Humans have are able to look at a tree and determine its state for may centuries.  The ground around them they consider to be theirs since their root system is in it.  I guess you can say that they are territorial.

Science does say that trees are alive.  They grow and reproduce.  In their own way, they also move.  Humans can look at a tree and determine its state of health.  Trees are made up of many cells and lack a central nervous system.  There are animals in the ocean that look like and act like one animal but in reality are a community of animals.  In a similar way, the cells of a tree work together to collect nutrients and gasses and light for the common good.  A government is not an one organism, but made up of many people in different functions all working together with all kinds of communication going on.  How do the cells of a tree work together unless they communicate somehow?  If the cells communicate with each other, what bars them form communicating with other lifeforms especially of their own species?  Humans don't readily communicate with trees, so its logical that they consider trees as non-communicative beings.  That would be due to ignorance rather than science.

So why would the science be so inconclusive?  I think one of the problems is the assumptions of the experiments and the experimenters.  If we are talking about communication beyond our five senses, and we are using our five senses then we are doomed to failure.  Even our electronic equipment have not been vetted to detect such communications.  We assume they are.  We assume it must be electromagnetic communication.  We assume that brain waves we know of are the only form of communication beyond the five senses.  I say we assume too much.  When the experiments are inconclusive then there is more research to be done.  There is more to be learned.  There is likely a whole field of study that we know nothing about that we need to explore.  Another problem is that when were talking intuition, analytical science fails to understand.  Science is a total analytical process.  Intuition does not obey the rules of analytics.  Its like trying to understand quantum mechanics with Newtonian Physics.  It just doesn't work.  Computer programmers try to get around the gap between the way a computer process information and our analytical operating of our brains by using fuzzy logic and other AI techniques in programs and devices.  Can Science take the same leap?  I believe they were able to do it in Physics by revisiting their assumptions.  They added probability to the equations.  This, Einstein notoriously hated.  A new approach to investigate Primary Perception is needed.

So Primary Perception just might prove to be a real thing one day.  Trees are living beings and empaths can pick up on their emotions.  Just because science produces inconclusive experiments doesn't mean that's the end of the story.  Reevaluation of assumptions and means of measuring is needed to create experiments that can have a positive result.

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