Sunday, September 25, 2011


Have you ever, and you may not have, been embarrassed or ashamed by your  heritage?  You may come from a people that have committed atrocities or have certain attitudes of types of people.  In history we read that many people have died in the 20th Century.  World War I saw the advent of wide spread chemical warfare, of the tank, and of the airplane bomber.   Thousands died in it.  Then thousands died under the Third Reich due to pure racism.  Thousand also died in the Soviet Union under Stalin.  Thousands died in China in the cultural revolution.  The killing fields of Cambodia were striking.  Murders upon murders in South and Central America were horrifying.  And what is yet to be told of the bloodiness in North Africa under the dictators of Egypt and Libya and others?  The genocide in Central Africa also comes to mind and many more incidents.  It was a bloody century, perhaps the bloodiest of them all.  What if you came from the people who committed those atrocities, or a people who had the attitude that lead to the massacre of thousands?  What if you were ashamed of these attitudes and tried to counter them?  I dare to coin a term for this, a sub-hero.  I will endeavor to define what a sub-hero is and does.

A sub-hero hates.  Of the first steps a sub-hero makes is that of realizing and hating the heritage of murderous attitudes.  He/She owns them.  He/She puts intent to not repeat them, ever.  He/She mourns the loss of lives and the loss of dignity.  The past is past and the sub-hero does not dwell in the past but looks to the future.

A sub-hero warns.  Any time the sub-hero encounters the murderous attitudes, their blood goes cold.  They cringe at it, and sneer at it.  Then the verbal counter to these attitudes comes out.  Due to tactfulness, a fight with the promoters of these attitudes can be adverted.  Loving the promoters as well as the victims is necessary to the sub-hero.  If he/she looses them then the war is lost.  Getting others to shun these murderous attitudes is the key.  Thus the sub-hero guards the sanctity of love and peace.

A sub-hero is not praised.  There is no honor to being a sub-hero.  The very nature of their state is shameful.  They may not reveal their identity with the atrocious heritage.  Who would praise them?  Who would look up to them to emulate?  None dare.  A sub-hero's path is lonely and ungrateful, and yet it's necessary.  It's a cross to bear and a penance to perform.

A sub-hero hates, warns, and is not praised.  This is a first definition of this term.  This World needs sub-heroes.  Our societies need healing.  Our people need teaching.  If the human race is to take the next step towards enlightenment, then murderous attitudes need to be left behind.  We need to grow up and face each other with our problems and work them out rather than having the cowardly cop-out of murder.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sensitives and Engergies

Have you ever been yelled at out of the blue?  Do you remember how it felt.  Did you yell at someone else a short time later?  It's said that strife begets strife.  I think this is true for all humans and animals.  It seems to be natural to propagate the hate.  There is something going on in this process.  There is an exchange of energy.  Most people can get yelled at, then yell at someone else, and then forget about the whole thing with apparently little consequence.  Sensitives or empaths get yelled at and their whole day is torn apart.  They may try to hold it in because they don't want to yell at anybody.  They may also inadvertently yell at someone.  This is because we cannot hold such energies in.  Getting to understand the problem may reveal some techniques that can be tried to not hurt someone or yourself.

In order to understand the energy transfer we need to understand the energy itself.  Often when someone yells at someone else it originated via fear.  Someone fears that they have been wronged, for example.  They then ponder and get angrier and angrier.  Then at the first chance, they yell at whoever they think wronged them.  The fear transfers from one individual to another and they cycle propagates itself.  It acts like a self replicating computer virus and runs its course through a group of people.  Stress is a side effect of such energies.  How do I know this?  I lived it far too often.  My family has been a continual victim of this type of energy.  The danger is that these energies can take a life of their own and rule the lives of the people they affect.

I recently found a way to deal with these energies.  When a passenger plane gets hit by lightning or in proximity to a charged cloud, it gets charged.  It holds the charge until it makes a landing.  There have been photographs of B-52s and other aircraft making a landing just before touchdown and the photo would show a discharge of lighting from the wingtips down to the ground.  This fact is a good analogy of my technique.  When you get yelled at and you have a chance to get away, then concentrate and force the energy to dissipate out of your body through your fingers, head and feet.  It seems to take 10 to 20 minutes, but the results are astounding.  You feel lighter and freer.  You will still feel the results of the stress you went through, but at least your not propagating the fear.  I had a chance to put this into practice the other day.  The result was that fear was defeated and the person who originally started the fear went back to act normally.  This technique seems to give the sensitive the ability to heal him/her-self. Sensitives naturally absorb energies like a sponge.  A sponge need to be ringed out.  Letting the energies go into the ground is a very good way, the Earth should be able to take it.

There are a couple of things that can be done but give a very negative result.  A sensitive can reflect the energies back to the person who's yelling.  This will demoralize the person and you may end up loosing this person as a friend.  Another thing is to yell at someone else.  I really hate doing this.  It has caused me no end of grief and guilt.  Both of these acts hurt people.  The best thing is to dispose of the energies.

Passing on fears via yelling is a big problem in our society.  It's a form of abuse.  Through understanding of the energies and their propagation, knowing a good technique, and being aware of what not to do can help deal with this menace.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Empathic Intelligence

On the BBC I heard that western women have turned to Islam in a post 9-11 era.  If you look at the idea of women joining Islam intellectually, you could not conceive that there would be an attraction since Islam is seemingly male dominant and female subversive.  These women are first curious about the ideals of Islam.  Then they see how women in that faith act, how they give even-though they have next to nothing.  This curiosity and attraction seems to be a similar drive that of a scientist investigating their field or a investigator investigating their case.  It used to be that men would just chalk this up to just women's emotions, but I believe there is something more inherently viable and even important.  These women are using empathic intelligence.  To learn from people by applying empathy is empathic intelligence.  I want to explore what this means in a practical sense.  I will share an article from a psychological periodical, I will share my own experience, and I will explore the importance of this intelligence.

In Psychology Today I found an article titled Empathic Intelligence: To put yourself in their shoes, unlace yours by Dr. Jeremy Sherman, 21 May 2009.  Where Dr. Sherman defines Empathic Intelligence as "is the ability to hold two opposed positions in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to think for yourself."  He also uses the analogy of swapping shoes.  If you go to a shoe store to buy shoes your going to try them on and your going to walk in them before making a decision to buy them.  You have to feel them out.  You determine the pros and cons of the shoe before making your decision.  So it is with empathy.  If your in the market for a new religion, you look for something that catches your eye.  You look around for examples of people in that religion.  You may even try it out for a time, that is visit a monument, read a story integral to the teachings, spend a day with those who follow it.  Your weighing, measuring, and feeling the religion in order to make a decision to convert or refute.  What your doing is exercising empathic intelligence.  Dr. Sherman holds that this type of intelligence requires putting yourself at risk, and implies that there is a certain amount of courage needed to proceed.

I have felt like a mimicker since childhood.  I am a natural empath and as such can't help but to put myself in people's shoes.  Once I was so effective in my shoe swapping that I convinced another boy that I could speak German, and he was German.  I learned to swim by watching and feeling out people.  Nobody taught me how to do breast stroke or crawl, I just did it.  Nobody taught me how to sail a boat, I watched my father teach my brother, and years later just went out and sailed the boat by myself for the first time.  I even had to tack in back to the beach.  These things I learned by applying empathic intelligence.

Empathic Intelligence is important, though it has not been given much attention.  The Christian religion started small with a man who taught and made miracles.  People were drawn to him, they wanted to be like him.  He had a way of invoking empathic intelligence in his followers.  Often in his texts and those of his followers we find that people wanted to emulate him in every way.  Many did even to death.  But centuries later, the religion took a analytical tone.  Principles were outlined, texts were standardized, doctrines were writ, and dogmas were upheld.  Even today you find many churches applying analytical intelligence to define the religion.  You also find many churches that do not feed the poor, help the sick, house the homeless.  Analytics can make a religion more palatable but it can also kill off its spirit.  It's no wonder that the Methodist movement bloomed in the 1800s and the Pentecostal movement blossomed from the 1960's through the 1980's.  These movements applied empathic intelligence that won over crowds of people.  This is in stark contrast to the "well defined" faiths that loose people and can even cause oppression.  Empathic Intelligence invigorates the soul and a lack of it can starve the same soul.

I have looked at an article, shared personal examples, and shown the importance of empathic intelligence.  Learning to feed the empathic intelligence in people can give you followers, it can make you popular.  That can be good and bad.  It's a tool to be wielded and it's a might tool at that.  Learning to use it for your own learning is important to being a perpetual student.  I hope this brings to light what empathic intelligence is and how important it is to people.