Saturday, July 18, 2015

Meeting Pluto

Hi Pluto.
Why, we never knew you. We thought of you a lonely small planet until we saw your companion Charon.
Now we pay a visit, a passing by to say hello and goodbye. No time for selfies. So, we take pics of your family, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos, and Styx. My, how many they are. How rich, how far.
We thought you inactive.Yet we find you busy and alive. You're beauty and creations amazes us.
You are the wayfarer between the outer solar system and the Kuiper Belt, a place that's a mystery. You are a wondrous mystery.You are the ambassador of the of the unknown and the hidden.
We use to call you a planet. Now we call you dwarf. Some are upset at this, but you are changing that meaning. You are much more than we expected. You are a piece of art. After all, we discovered your heart.
Someday we would love to stay and get to know you, take you out to dance a spin or more. For now, we say farewell. Keep us near your heart. We certainly will keep you near ours.