Friday, June 24, 2011

Writer's Block, finally!

Its been about two weeks since I posted.  Like most writers I guess I got a case of writer's block.  This is the first I ever had it in many years.

Why do we get writer's block?  I can only speak from my own experience.  It seems like this time its because the brain doesn't want to write anymore.  I've been writing a lot lately.  Writing for class and trying to start some freelance writing is taking its toll on the brain.  Hopefully this is only temporary, and I will get back to my usual self writing about stuff I believe in and how the world needs to change.

In the meantime I have this block.  I'm reminded of Lucy of the Peanuts by Charles M. Schultz where she called Charlie Brown, "YOU BLOCKHEAD!"  My head feel a little like that now.  So its stress that causes the writer's block. 

Perhaps a good centering or grounding will do me good to release the stress from day to day living.  Reading what's going on in the world might help as well. 

Libya is still struggling, Europe still has recession issues and the far right still hold the Republican party hostage.  In these days of extremes, you hardly can see a moderate in sight.  SpaceX is going to court over a critic.  This makes me believe that there are people who have a hard time to let go of the old way of doing things in space.  Its time to embrace the new.  The new is the now.  The same goes with business'.  Those companies who don't or can't change fast enough will suffer and possibly go through restructuring or be bought out.

There see?  Writer's block is starting to fade.  I hope I can keep it up.  Take care y'all.

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