Saturday, June 2, 2012

Handling Ever More Stress

In this age of ups and downs, it's important to make it a habit to relax.  I coming to realize this more and more.  My personal schedule is getting busier, and as a consequence so is my apprehension to loading up my schedule.  Having a busy schedule can cause a lot of stress and, for people like me, an empath and a migraineur, can cause migraines and emotional insecurity.  Sometimes having a loaded schedule in necessary, and that's when some good practices can come to the rescue.  Grounding, pushing out emotion, and rest are three things that can help.

Grounding is getting away from everyone at least by 50 feet and for about 10 minutes.  This can help you find out how your feeling and let you know what personal areas need attention.  Sometimes coaching yourself helps or other techniques while grounding.  Being around plants or a quiet place helps.  This gives some time to recuperate during the day.  You should feel better equipped to keep going on afterward.

Pushing out emotion is a technique that you can do on the fly.  When you feel too overwhelmed with emotion, take a couple of breaths.  With each exhale, push out energy from your body with the use of some intentions.  I usually imagine the energy leaving my body through my hands, feet, and head.  You can do this with people around you, or whatever situation your in.  It helps with the immediate need.

Get extra rest.  Get extra rest.  I can't emphasize it enough.  Get extra rest.  Dr. Judith Orloff also mentions this point in her article How Listening to Your Body Can Improve Your Life.  Empaths and highly sensitive people need extra rest.  We live through enough emotions everyday as it is, more so than other people.  We need extra rest.  Taking at least 2 hours can turn a painful day into a lighter one. 

In this day and age we are bound to get more stuff on our plate.  Grounding, pushing out emotion, and getting rest can help alleviate some of the effects of stress.  We may find ourselves going in several directions at once.  Managing ourselves is just as important, if not more, as taking care of our other responsibilities.  Don't let yourself fall apart.

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