Sunday, May 22, 2011

Disapointed about May 21st 2011?

I had a dream yesterday.  In the dream I got reports that people and two very popular idols committed suicide.  This dream startled me intensely.  The way I interpret this dream is that there is a real concern that people would want to commit suicide.  What about the two idols?  I won't name them but I interpret that as representing fans at large or the people at large.  In light of this disappointing prediction of end of the World or the Rapture for May 21st 2011, disappointment and depression leading to suicide is a real concern.  If you were affected, it's possible to reconstruct your life and continuing on and allowing yourself to be emotional and give yourself time can help.

You can reconstruct your life.  That may seem like a tall task right now.  At one point in my life I lost everything.  I only had the clothes on my back.  One step at a time I was able to get a job, rent a place and slowly reconstruct myself and my life.  During that time I thought a lot.  I had to put on hold everything I had believed and one by one test each idea and modify them if needed.  It was a hard thing to do, but I had no other real recourse.  I also started to make new friends.  People helped me here and there and I tried to help others as well.  Love for myself and for my fellow man became the most important thing for me.  There were fears but I had to put them aside and do what I felt I needed to do.  If I did it you can too.  It takes some thinking and some time and some research, but it can be done.  Try to find out details about the direction you feel you need to go before you go do it.

One of the first healing things to do is to let your emotions flow.  Allow yourself to feel anger and sadness.  Out of my own experience, being scammed and being robbed is the same feeling.  Tell yourself it's OK to cry.  Give yourself time and place to mourn.

One of the things that have been helpful for me in reconstructing my life was to take time for myself.  What I mean by that is to take time to rest and be entertained.  Some people consider entertainment as a way to kill time, but it can be a way to learn lessons from stories that writers try to convey.  Many Sci-fi stories are like Aesop fables in that they have morals to their stories.  Action stories can help take out frustrations as well as romantic or even erotic stories.  Moderate physical exercise is a good way to give yourself some time.  Taking some frustration out on a punching bag can help.  Taking a walk in a park can help restore some perspective in life.

Reconstructing your life, letting emotions flow, and giving yourself time can help you move on after a very big disappointment.  Deciding to move on is a courageous step that I applaud.  I don't recommend suicide over disappointment because this is a problem you can overcome.  Keep a good thought and consider this to be a new beginning.  To help you along I highly recommend Dr Orloff's book called Emotional Freedom.

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