Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sensitivity Hinderance

I've had some kind of dry congestion this winter.  It had a couple of effects on me.  It first cause me a major migraine.  I was surprised to find my migraine relieved after I took a decongestant. The other effect is that something happened to my sensitivity.  I became less sensitive.  Physical ailments can cause you to loose some sensitivity. You can also limit sensitivity with shields.

So the congestion hindered how much I can sense.  Though it did not hinder sensing someone who is standing right next to me.  Nor did it affect how I get influenced by crowds.  I suppose what is happening is that my analytical brain doesn't want to work with congestion and therefore does not want to interpret emotions I pick up.  When one of my migraines start my sensitivity also decreases.  This could be due to the brain being traumatized and able to cope.  Getting away from people as well as light and sound helps.

Another way sensitivity can be hindered is by the creating shields.  I create shields around me to protect me from strong emotions.  I will use a little intent to do create on.  A bright white shield is the common one people talk about.  Of course white includes all colors.  I like to use light blue to block out emotions.  I also use an orange shield when I don't want to give off my sexual emotions.  I find that shields can also keep my emotions in as well as keep everyone else's out.

So an highly sensitive person can have times where their sensitivity is decreased.  This may not decrease how they are negatively affected by others, but decrease how they can use their sensitivity as an asset.  Everyone need down time sometimes.

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