Thursday, March 8, 2012

Taming Thoughts

Here is something that occurred to me to other day.  I had a bad thought.  It was a thought that could have developed into reality and be detrimental to my job.  I have had thoughts like this before and I obsessed about them and they came to pass.  I want to discuss what is happening and what to do about it.

Why do these thoughts come to pass?  Sure we all get stray thoughts.  Most of the time they entertain us and we forget about them.  Sometimes we get a thought that is a shocker.  If you obsess about these thoughts, like I have, then intent sets in.  Intent is the push or force that bring things to pass.  It's sometimes called manifestation.  It's best used for self improvement.  So you can activate the intent on a bad thought without wanting to.  You may ask yourself why do we get these bad shocking thoughts in the first place?  That is a question for another time.  I have yet to come up with a good concise answer, but I believe it has something to do with claircongizance or perhaps even the universal balance system activating.

What to do with these bad thoughts?  You have to get rid of them.  Merely trying to forget them may help a little but not enough.  This is what I did.  I used intent and imagined I took the thought and crumpled it up like a piece of paper and burned it.  Of course all this was in my mind.  Some people recommend to write down the thought on paper and actually burn them or consecrate them in some oil in a religious ceremony of sorts.  In Valencia, Spain, they annually make papermache statues of the sins of the year and then burn them in a celebration.  Instead of doing all that, I like to use pure intent.  Intent is a powerful force especially when it comes to personal issues.  After I did this exercise, I felt better and knew it was effective.   This use of intent with these bad thoughts was so immediately effective that I did the same with the insecure thoughts I have been carrying around with me for many years.  I felt a lot better and calmer.

To understand how bad thoughts can manifest into bad things happening to us and how to counter the action is of great benefit.  You could turn your luck around.  I do believe that we can train ourselves to be better all the time.  Warning, a smile may appear on your face.

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