Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bill It's Me! is out.

I published my next small novel called Bill It's Me! on  It's a pure fictitious story about and Empath that helps his cop buddy solve a mystery, and thereby the world. 

Yeah I kind of though of the Empath as a type of super hero.  He has abilities but he also has weaknesses.  He also has an arch enemy and people to care about.  No, he doesn't do superhero things like flying or getting into fist fights with people.

This story took me about a year to write.  My last one took me about 5 years to write.  Of course with the first one I had doubts about my ability to write and not only that who would read it.  That's before I hear about on NPR.  Then I knew I could have an audience.  It's pretty gratifying knowing someone reads and enjoys your work.

With this new story I tried something different.  I changed the narration person about half way through.  I think it makes sense and works.  Now also I just started another story, a prequel to Bill It's Me!  There I also change the narration person.  So why am I doing this?  I suppose it's because I like to get the story from the perspective of a character rather than some ominous voice deemed as the writer.  You may say that it speaks to my insecurity, and you may be right.  I am insecure about people paying attention to what I have to say.  Even worse is when people actually take my advice.  Then I feel insecure about my advice and question if it's accurate enough.

Well, there you have it.  The launch of a new story.  It's free, of course.  I'm really a nobody so charging would be superfluous.  I'm more interested in people enjoying my stories rather than making money off of them, at least at this time. Cheers.

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