Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sensitives and Energies Continued...

In my previous post titled Sensitives and Energies, I depicted a technique to get rid of energies suddenly put upon the sensitive person so that the negative or unwanted result is not realized.  Since then I've been using it more extensively as a great way to deal with life's little surprises.  I found that it is an adaptable technique to various personal situations.

My loved one talked to me while stressed out over family drama.  You know the kind of talk, where hear about how so and so is not doing right and how they are referred to with colorful modifiers.  The talk that may last about an hour and you can't seem to get a word in edgewise.  The kind of talk and energy that fills you up to capacity that you feel like you have to explode.  I struggled with this until I tried to bleed off the energy by pushing it out with intent.  It worked.  I felt better, even calmer.  To my surprise I even pushed the energy out while she was talking to me.  It worked well.  At the end of the conversation I felt better and I could give a good empathic response and a hug.  This is great.  I feel like I'm starting to do what was described in Star Trek The Original Series episode called The Empath.  Unlike Diana Troy in The Next Generation, this empath would absorb energy, even wounds, and then heal herself.  In a similar manner I'm finding a way to heal myself while I naturally absorb energy of others.  I think it's pretty cool.

Another situation is where I had to deal with a difficult person at work.  I naturally absorbed her energy.  After the incident, I still had the energy absorbed and it was causing me to be absent minded, almost stumbling.  I then pushed out the energy and I felt great.  For the rest of the work shift I was in a very good mood.  It seems that pushing out energies brings a renewal and even relief, like a burden is lifted.

This pushing out of energies is one more tool to put in your empath tool-belt.  Others include shielding, letting energy/emotion pass through you, and grounding or centering.  Perhaps there are more but I don't know them.  This particular technique allows you to maintain yourself after or during an incident.  Shielding and letting energy pass through you are best implemented before an incident happens.  Grounding should be done every day with some meditation.  These tools can help make life less painful, more empowering, and enjoyable.  To me joy in the heart is a good indicator that things are alright.

I hope sharing these situations where I applied pushing out energies encourages you to try them yourself and explore the wonder and vastness that is you.  Learning yourself is the first step to changing the world.

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