Monday, October 31, 2011

How Does An Empath (HSP) Refrain From Anger

I found this question as a search in my account.  Someone asked it, and I am attempting to respond to it.  Anger is a key emotion.  There are many walking the Earth that have anger, deep anger.  For the  empath that can be devastating.  There is also personal anger that is brought on my some perceive injustice.  To help, I am letting you know of some techniques that you can try to relieve anger.  Many of these techniques will work for all emotions.
There are several techniques.  Each technique has its place.

Let us start with an easy one.  Say your walking on the Earth and you get around people who are angry at the world.  It's easy to pick this anger up and make it your own.  The technique here is to just let it go.  Let the anger go and don't hold on to it.  Let it pass through you like a river passing through a garden.  You don't have to hold on to an emotion to understand it.  You can just understand as it flows.  If you want to help these people, listening to them is the best way.  They need to talk things out.

Which leads us to a technique that is a little more proactive.  When you've been with someone for a time, their anger and emotions tend to stay with you.  What you can do is to push these emotions out.  You need to get away from everyone (about 50 feet) and work on breathing.  With every exhale you push the anger and emotion out.  With every inhale, you take in the emotion from the Earth and/or the Sky (or Heavens).  Actually, I like to inhale love directly from the Creator, but it takes a little practice to reach the Creator in the first place.

Another technique is a basic one for all empaths and HSPs, to ground or to center.  What you do is that every so often you get away from everyone (again about 50 ft) and be calm and get in touch with your own emotions (credit Elise Lebeau's Empath Survival Program).  This helps you to distinguish your emotions from other people's emotions.  Serenity is the key here.  If you do this periodically, you remember what its like and you don't get out of control anger as a habit.

What happens when the anger is yours?  When you have been wronged?

The first thing to try is to resolve the anger by understanding the nature of the act.  This may involve talking with the offender directly.  This is rarely successful since acts are usually deliberate.  This may help if the act was an accident.  If and when you do try this, do some grounding or centering first.  This will give the technique more of a chance.

So what do you do when the injustice against you was deliberate and even done in a selfish act by the offender?  Ideally forgiveness is the best, but its not always possible.  To forgive someone is to acknowledge the act and hold no ill will on the offender.  Often it's easier to forgive if the offender is regretful.  They are not always regretful.  Of course forgiveness as a technique is in religion.  Some religions put pressure on saying that bad things will happen to you if you don't forgive.  I say working to the point of forgiveness is just as good.

If you cannot forgive, get away.  Get away from the offender as far as possible.  Distrust them.  Don't communicate with them.  This is obviously self defensive in nature.  You do have to protect yourself.  Some people will stay in the situation.  I don't recommend that.  The sooner you get away from the situation the better and the sooner you can heal.  This may sound selfish, but you cannot help others if your hurt.  You will only get angrier and angrier if your around the offender.

To go further, there is a technique that is called chord cutting.  This techniques severs the emotional connection you have with the offender.  What you do is you imagine the connection with the offender as a chord or rope or rubber tube.  I like the rubber tube.  Stretch the chord and keep stretching, keep on stretching, until the chord breaks.  Then sit quietly without thinking and feel the peace.  This gives a sense of security and freedom from the power of the offender.

There is another type of anger I like to talk about.  It's the anger that comes because you seem to not get anywhere, or you don't make the advances you want to make.  For this type you need to make sure you don't have any road blocks.  By that I mean you remove anything that can get in the way of your goals.  Then you get into a meditative state and feel yourself pushing toward your goal.  Do this several times and you should see yourself going in the right direction.  This should relieve the anger.

Well, I covered several techniques to help deal with anger.  I will caution you against seeking revenge.  Revenge serves little purpose other than selfish ones, and causes more damage and possibly escalation of a conflict.  Above all you should seek to follow the Golden Rule: treat others as you want to be treated.  This will avoid much anger in the first place.

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