Sunday, October 30, 2011

Choosing Good

Every day we have a choice.  We can choose to do good, that is by helping others.  We also have a choice to do bad, that is to disregard the lives of others.  This choice runs our lives and directs our steps.  Why should anyone choose to help anyone else?  It takes time, effort, and sometimes money.  Let us look at what is in it for us when we choose to do good by considering the Golden Rule , multiversal love, and the good feeling.

Treat others as you want to be treated.  Thus says the Golden Rule that exists in many mainstream religions.  This is a principle command or suggestion to behave.  The idea is that you should help those in need, and one day you might be in need and get helped the same way.  This kind of helping others is basic.  You see someone in physical distress, like in the story of the good Samaritan, and you provide assistance.  This is so basic that laws called the Good Samaritan laws were created.  This principle is also enacted when someone gives first aid or CPR.  I think this principle goes beyond the physical.  You can help others when they are in emotional distress as well.  Often it involves listening to them, and letting them figure things out or talk through the emotion.  The one thing you should never do is try to help someone who doesn't want help.  Yes, your time is most likely to be used when you try to help someone.  Also, your emotional expense will be required.  When you need help and find others helping you, you think about helping others in return.

Emulate love.  It's said that love comes from within.  If we love ourselves we can love others.  If we love others we love ourselves.  If we love ourselves we should love humanity in general.  Showing that love is to help others, whether you know them or like them or not.  Counter to common thinking, you don't have to like someone to show love.  You don't have to agree with them.  You don't even have to believe them.  Showing love is often in spite of the person your loving.  We have an innate need to love.  We also have an innate need to be loved.  If we withhold love for anyone, will love be withheld from us?  Life tends to balance itself.  It may just balance itself on you.

The good feeling.  Volunteers who help people often talk about the good feeling they get.  It's true.  There is a good feeling when you help others.  I've felt this when feeding the homeless, when teaching, when helping the wounded, or helping the distressed.  I guess you can say I'm a good feeling junky.  Somehow I think its a good addiction.  Conversely, I have felt bad passing by those in need.  I have felt bad ignoring those who were in distress.  When I have no time, I have felt bad.  I hate that feeling.  I'd rather help.  I'm not perfect, but I'm trying to be better.  Yeah, you can try to reason through your action of ignoring, but your just justifying and enforcing a bad habit that reflects on your person.

Taking into account the Golden Rule, multiversal love, and the good feeling, you have plenty of motivation to do good and to help people.  In these hard times, there is no lack of people in distress and in need.  Just lending an ear can help tremendously.  Consider the good today.

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